Friday, May 29, 2009


by group 4

Classroom Discourse of Malay Language Lesson.

classroom discourse refers to the type of language use that is found in classroom situation. it is different in form and function from language used in other situations due to the distinct social role of students, teachers and the activities they are engaged in. analysis of classroom discourse is useful when examining the effectiveness of teaching methods and the types of student-teacher interaction. classroom discourse makes possible situation in which learning becomes more fun, student participation is active and teaching-learning are effective.

structure - Malay Language
function - as a channel of communication

boundary destruction - existence of english language will disturb malay language

when there is boundary destruction, malay language will not use anymore and substituted with english language. adjustment to the discourse, while the policy makers may, for example, adapt teacher training curriculum. clearly, critical discourse analysis is a form of social practice too. when there is equilibrium, the student can achieve high level of thinking skill, teaching and learning activities needs to stimulate students into thinking and discussing logically, rationally and objectively.

from using malay language, the skills of discussing critically and analytically on the comprehensive meanings of the various materials as well as solve problem. besides that, reading, evaluating and reviewing critically and analytical facts, ideas as well as human, social and cultural values in various prose and poetry.

malay language can be motivated by improving of language skills for effective communication, improving as well as expandingof the proficiency and practice of malay language as the country's official language, developing and enhancing the intellectual as well as rational, critical and creative thingking, procuring of knowledge and developing as well as applying these skills in daily lives posseing self-confidence that can contribute towards self and society.

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