Monday, May 25, 2009

social change: SINGLE MOTHER

group 4







"I'm a single mom. My kids are 8, 7, and 4. I have 2 girls and a boy. Their dad is in jail. I get no child support. I work full time second shift.... i'm tired but still there is not enough for me to make a living"

"My son is currently 13 months old and we are starting the journey of single mother and child while my ex-husband enjoying his life with his new wife. what should i do..??"

"i started as a single mom at 18.It was kinda difficult and kindda freaky, I was really young and I felt so damned prepared...But he left. He felt in love with the neighbor with whom he has a kid 1 year 1 mont younger than my son. But i stood up and kept on walking, and really happy because I had this sunshine in my life... I was happy..."

This is a several stories that we heard among the society called 'a single mother'. as we can see, there is many kind of problems faced by them in order to continue their lived with their children. part of them being left by their husband and there also a single mother who lost their husband in tragic ways such as DIE..!!

do we really concern about what happen to them..??? i dont think so..! since we never experienced it ourself..! why dont you think it in another perspective, be a human, and start to think and feels the single mother are all about right now..!

as for the the society which is also the part of the government, we are already known about the assistance scheme for single mother that implement by the government through the MINISTRY OF WOMEN, FAMILY AND SOCIETY DEVELOPMENT. the society among 'single mother' should thanks the government for this kind of policy implementation tha helps them secure their future. this policy started being implement from 2001 due to the new establishment of the ministry. several stages of this policy being implement step by step due to the current need sof the society. thi process are continuosly dont since this community of our nations is independent and not been able to judge for their numbers.

as for the several changes and implementation by the government is:
  • entitling widow will continues receiving their late husband pensionof their deceased husband upon their re-marriage
  • prioroty will be given to single mom with monthly income below 600 to have new low-cost house located in several areas
  • ministry introduce mentor-mentee programme in association with NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WOMEN ENTERPRENEURS in order to give a chance for single mom especially to participate in business
  • helping low income mother obtained more organized and quality childcare service through the establishment of TASKA.
  • to lighten the financial burden of single mother, to sustain their children schooling. tax exemption being given to the private company who fostered single mother with a school child till form5 up to rm200,000 annually.
this implementation being made can help 'single mother' who in need the secure system for their future especially the kids.

the component of social change in term of identity of change in this kind of policy can be specific. from the negative pictures by the society, single mother now can be more tough and independent due to the changes they have with the helps of government. the society now started to accept the 'single mother' as part of the nation that can contribute to the developing in many fields.

while for the level of change. of course single mother is a group of people which is part of the society that directly affect to the social change of the nations. for example, a single mother which also an entrepreneur can positively affects the economic growth of the country is the things they did are in positive situation also like others.

in term or duration of change, the policy being implement to help single mother is in the long-term of duration. all kind of related implementation are being undertake by stages which mean step by step and the effects are been able to be seen in the long-term due to the conditions and current situation and also the participation by the society itself.

magnitude of change for this policy is considered as high because the 'single mother' recently is another part of the society in the critical thinking of our malaysian that negatively give their expectation upon this people. with several implementation done by the ministry it could change the perception then change the conditions of our nation that next will help to develop our country.

in the last component of social change is the rate of change. as for this kind of policy it is considered continuosly since 'single mother' is the society or group that is unexpected to be occur. this issues will arise depends on our nation society situation especially in the social change and relations. so with a continuously change made by the government it still can secured this part of group or community that really needs a backup for them in term to take part in the society events.

as for the last word, single mother is also the part of society that can contribute to the nations in many terms. so, with the policy being implement by the government to help them, there will be no more worries to them. the single mother now can smile and then positively join our nation society to produced their efforts or anything they can to ensure the developing and positive social change towards the nation.....

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