Tuesday, May 26, 2009



yeah..!!! we still thinking, why does its have to be a research of bengali..! ayoyo.... well it still a part of our responsibilities of part of the society to know about them and might be those bengali peoples are positively contribute to our country without we noticing it.! besides malay, chinese, india, bengali is also one of the community exist in malaysia. basically the polpulations of bengali in malaysia have reach over 25,000 peoples.

The Bengali began migrating to Malaysia during the early 20th century. They were mainly from Calcutta, Dacca, Chittagong, and Midnapore areas of Bengal in India. Being well educated, the Bengali secured supervisory or medical assistant positions in the Malaysian plantations.

Today's third generations of Bengali are mostly professionals in a variety of fields. The Bengali is a small community, yet they have maintained their Bengali language and rich cultural practices. Marriages are still arranged by parents, with consent from the potential couple. Marriages are often arranged with Bengali from other countries. A growing number of interracial marriages among other races and other languages are influencing this close-knit community.

Their community is multi-lingual. As part of a larger North Indian Hindu community living in Malaysia, the Bengali often join Punjabi Hindus, Sindhi Hindus, and Gujarati Hindus in many celebrations and temple functions. They are well-versed in Hindi and often use Hindi or English on such occasions. The younger generation is comfortable using English and Malay, although Bengali is still being used at home.

as for the social changes, apparently the community of bengali is still a Gemeinshaft which is a small community in the malaysian society. however the bengali have evolved on several part that might be in conjunction with the current situations and environment that bring an outrageous effects towards them. at the very first time, the bengali immigrant is only having and trust their own religion and not contributed or join in together with others community, but nowadays time have change, they are still bengali, but part of them might be muslim, christian and migth be on other beliefs.

in term of divisions of labour, bengali is now not just a minimal community with only certain specialties, but it have been varied and most of them having a different knowledge and skills that can be applied. as the role being hold, bengali apparently still interrelated with their own society, only just a few of them that are only showing what they can do best. as for the organizing principles, the old days have thought this community to be more specific in their objective and starting to having a formal position of leadership rather than kinship.

while for the social intergration, it is the most important thing for bengali's. the social intergrations among them are seems to be high which is based on their similarity. eventhough the time have changed, they still have their own special values but the are still sharing it with others rather than keep it among their community. in malaysia, the bengali's still celebrating their festive seasons as usual plus it also being enjoy by others, that things also came up when other society having their time, the bengali's will support it. this is the way malaysian are..! ;)

as for the conclusion, we can see the changed and evolutions happens among this community but its still not reach the level of Geisselshaft that are the big society with a high values.

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