Monday, May 18, 2009

development administration

group 4
1. safuhah bt mokhtar
2. nor azian bt abdul rahim
3. nurhazwani bt hamzah
4. maizatul asida bt samsul bahari
5. luqman arif bin azmi

the elements of development administration

1. managerial elements

managerial elements it is also related to the substantive elements that refers to how we manage the development all the development programs. it should be manage and follow the guideline that already establish. it also must follow the legal requirement to ensure the programs run smoothly, sufficient and effective according to that has been planned. if we not follow the guideline, the programs might be occur various problems such as bias, corruption, nepotism, error in term of financial and etc. example, the management of security policy in uitm terengganu is not really effective. it is because the outing card system is not really efficient and effective in controlling the students. in our opinion, this system is only the symbol of the security in controlling the students because of the card just placed at the college's office and there are no security body to check the card. this situation make the students just ignore the system and the safety is not the good manner.

2. substantive elements

this elements refer to government wide planning that include policies dissemination of resources and the goal policies. from this elements the population can appraise the government's intention in all of its programs and projects and by doing so benefits from them. according to riggs, substantive elements is the administrative organizations does not implement a policy deriving from outside from that environment of the organizations from that activities of some political body, which is received in the shape of legal norm but either such a set of political objectives and regulation is missing or even if lately it has existed formally, 'the incumbents may become powerful enough to influence policy formation as much as the politicians to whom they are nominally responsible' (riggs, 1964). in our understanding, the authority that have given power to make policy in the organization and it must be give benefit for the whole organization. for example, policy that mathematics and science teaching in english have many advantages, which is can help the students to improve their english in terms of language, speaking, listening, spelling, vocabulary, etc.

3. social elements

social element is one of the important element to build the good nation. this element need the involment of the whole people in the development. this participations also need the full intention from government. according to the riggs theory, differentiation + co-ordination = capacity. differentiation means the various people live in the country. example, malaysia have the multiracial that involve in the country. every people or races have different ideology and opinion. the co-ordination means the combination from the various people in the organization and cooperate together. for example, malaysia have multiracial people and they cooperate together with the government. every people combine and cooperate in the coutry. the capacity means the result of the differentiation and co-ordination in the organization. here can say, the cooperation in the differentiation and the combination of the people and government to achieve the goals and objective of nation.

4. political elements

it is related to the political parties or the authority. the person who have the power or the power holder must be come from the people or the representative. the authority must hear all the voice of the people. the good leader must be held to manage the country. the political environment in the country must be stable so the effect from that cover the performance in the country. the performance such as inceasing in the economis and the well being of people. example, in thailand, the conflict existing in choosing the prime minister still occur and its reflect to the economic growth, social change, security of the state, international affair and etc.

difference between public administration and development administration.

public administration is responsible to serve the programmes to the public. PA involve the public servant. they are respobsible to serve to the public very well regardless bias and prejudice. they must do their task fair among races and the important thing is they are not required to involve in politics. DA responsible to admin all the programmes and projects that has been formulate by the government. so, when DA exist, the country can measure whether the government are capable to admin the country. DA is mportant to ensure people's money are use properly by the government to improve the development in the coutry and have benefit for the public.

the relationship between public administration and development administration

DA is mechanism under PA to implement the programs that to achieve nation objective. PA have to serve the public well so, with the existance of DA it can ensure the prosess of services run smoothly, efficently, sufficient and fulfiill the public needs. DA is a element of PA. PA is an organization that involve civil servant which is responsible to serve the publis well regardless bias and prejudice. DA is mechanism and programs that concern on the ability of administration and developmentation as well as to seek for the approprite method that can be implementation by development nation. DA can not exist without PA. PA are responsible to implement the development administration.

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